HMI Report 1936
Report on the Inspection of the School by H.M.I’s on Feb 10th & 13th 1936:–
“Mixed with Infant.
The Head Master is to be commended for the effective and pleasant way he conducts the school. This, in conjunction with the loyal support of the staff and the general good bearing, pleasing manners and the willing response of the children, results in a school which is homely, hardworking and vigorous.
The number of children admitted to this all-age school is sufficient to form eight classes. This means that all children have to mark time for a year at one stage of their school life.
The Senior Section of the school now comprises three classes, two of which form the advanced section, and one the parallel section of dull and backward seniors. Thus the children in the parallel class remain in it for more than two years – a feature which is most undesirable.
Certain notable developments have taken place since the last report was issued, including:–
1. The closer relationship of Art and Craft
2. The teaching of Mathematics on more realistic lines
3. The development of the teaching of Music
4. The inclusion of Dramatic work throughout the school.
The Senior Classes
English – The specialist teacher in charge of Poetry and Dramatisation is keen and capable, and her efforts meet with marked success.
The standard achieved in written Composition is generally high.
Mathematics. In the ‘a’ stream there have been promising developments during the past year or so. The teachers’ keen interest in the subject has resulted in the practical application of Arithmetic and Geometry receiving increased attention, and the results are very creditable.
In parallel class the teaching is noticeably thorough, but the instruction is too much confined to the learning of rules.
French – is taught by an Assistant who makes up by this enthusiasm what he lacks in academic qualification. The results achieved, are on the whole, satisfactory thought the oral side of the work has been emphasised at the expense of other aspects. the learning of French songs and simple plays would prove a welcome addition, while the older scholars might be afforded opportunities for reading for pleasure one or two French authors of repute.
Geography – The schemes provide for a World study on regional lines. The work is suitably graded and the scholars appear to be well-informed when tested upon recent lessons. It should, however, be possible to give a more practical turn to certain aspects of the teaching especially by means of excursions into the immediate countryside. Excellent use has been made of the optical lantern by which means the scholars have been brought into closer contact with the peoples of other lands.
Music – Sight Singing is fairly satisfactory except for some weakness in rhythm. The children sing sweetly and tunefully. The collection of gramophone records ranging from Folk Music to Elgar has proved of immense value in developing musical knowledge and taste.
Handicraft – All Senior boys now receive a three years’ course. When it is possible, a full session should be allotted to each class for instruction in this subject.
The quality of the work seen was generally satisfactory. It is advised however that simple constructional work, finely finished, should be first attained before decorative details are introduced.
The Junior Classes.
In the Junior Classes much good work is being done. The teachers are working well and the children, who show a keen interest in the lessons, are also receiving a valuable training in habits of neatness and steady application.
The Infants’ Classes.
The thoughtful teaching methods employed by the two Assistants not only introduce the children in a natural manner to school life but also allow for steady and regular progress in the formal subjects. Expression Work and the Natural Activities are skilfully engaged upon with commendably high result.”