HMI Report 1921
Report of H.M.I’s visit on 25th August 1921:–
“The Head Teacher was appointed to this, his first, Headship in November 1919. He is assisted by six certificated teachers, of whom four were appointed during the past year.
The Head Teacher organises and supervises the work in a progressive and satisfactory manner, while the class teachers support his efforts earnestly.
The tone of the school is good.
Much is done by the teaching staff to encourage the children to co-operate in the general progress by association with the Scout movement, organised games and country dances. It is pleasing to record that these efforts on behalf of the corporate life of the school at meeting with success.
Indoor work, too, is made as interesting as possible. The Head Teacher has constructed a comprehensive scheme, methods are periodically discussed at Staff Conferences and the proposals for the correlation of associated branches of instruction are commendable. There is a well selected School Library, containing about 500 books, which is used by all classes.
Though not reaching an entirely satisfactory level, the standard of work is promising, due to allowance having been made for the difficulties of the past few years. Reading is below normal in Class 7, but a steady improvement occurs until Class 4 is reached, where the work is quite up to normal. It is considered that success would be more quickly achieved in Class 7 if reading books of a simpler nature were used.
In Arithmetic, except for a few naturally clever scholars, a lack of power to apply principles is evident, particularly in Classes 5, 6, and 7. A greater insistence on practical exercise would produce beneficial results.
Composition is well taught. The exercises of the scholars in the upper classes are creditable while throughout the school carefully thought out preparation produces an improving standard of work.
There is some lack of system in carrying out the scheme in Drawing. A more definite training in Object Drawing is necessary.
Physical Training is very well taught, Games and Country Dances being a particularly good feature.
The Garden is well used. The practical work is carefully carried out, while the association between outdoor and indoor instruction is not overlooked.
The advantages which accrue from having a Domestic Subjects room in the school building are well realised.
Very fair progress is being made in the other school subjects.”