HMI Report 1927
Report on the visit of H.M.I. on 27th and 28th October 1927.
“This school has justified the promise held out in the last Report there has been a marked improvement in almost all aspects of the work, and the school is now in a creditable state of efficiency.
The Infants are taught in two classes, and the preparation here is very thorough and sound. In particular, the enthusiastic and successful work of the Uncertificated Assistant in charge of the higher of these two classes – a teacher* who previously did excellent work in another of the Authority’s schools – calls for high commendation.
On the sound foundation laid in the Infants’ Classes the teachers of Classes 5 and 6 are able to build more confidently and effectively than formerly, and the good work being done here augurs well for future development in the higher classes. The good results in Reading, Composition, and Poetry in these two classes call for special mention, as does the excellent ability in continuous narration shewn by the children in the lower of these two classes.
Classes 2, 3, and 4 are in a generally satisfactory condition, though each contains a number of children well above the normal age for their present classes. It is only fair to state that a number of these older children are transfers from other schools.
The highest class contains two groups corresponding to ‘Standards VI and VII’. (These two groups were taught in two classes until the first of the present month, when the pressure of the numbers in the lower part of the school necessitated their amalgamation.)
Many of the children in ‘Standard VI’ did badly in oral and written tests in Arithmetic, but the results of similar tests in ‘Standard VII’ were quite good, and promising work is done in Algebra. The instructions in all branches of English achieves creditable results, the excellent oral Reading, the very successful Speech Training, the keen interest shown in general Reading and in Poetry, and the singular freedom of the Composition exercises from gross errors of grammar and spelling, being most commendable features. Though the syllabus in History for ‘Standard VI’ appears to need revision, the instruction in this subject and in Geography is successfully given, and good work is also done in Drawing, Physical Training, Nature Study and Gardening. Sight singing and ear training are well taught, but there is an evident need for more attention to voice training.
There is an excellent tone in the school, and much continues to be done to encourage the children to enter into the corporate life of the school, and to enlist the active interest of the parents.
The Head Teacher continues to carry out all his duties in a thoroughly earnest, progressive and skilful manner, and the Assistants are all working with commendable industry and zeal. All are to be congratulated on the marked improvement effected.”