HMI Report 1914
Report of Inspection by Mr Allsopp H.M.I. on 14th Oct 1914
“Owing to the absence of two teachers* this school was not seen to advantage. There is however, evidence of general improvement having been made since the last visit. The children’s behaviour is good, and their work generally neat, but too large a proportion of them take on a passive part in many of the lessons. The Composition of the older children is sensible, and, on the whole, accurate, but the children show little imaginative ability, and their range of expression is small.
It was suggested
I that a graded scheme of work in Drawing should be prepared
II That more attention should be paid to the practical aspects of Arithmetic and to quick working,
III That the elder girls should not take the same Science lessons as the boys, and
IV That the observation lessons throughout should be less informative, and more provocative of interest.